The CREA Gets Real
Just seven days ago, I wrote an article stating that the Canadian Real Estate Association should be ashamed of themselves for their cheery and completely unrealistic assessment of the Canadian housing market (see: CREA to the Rescue).
Today, in a stunning about-face, the CREA "updated" its forecast, admitting that by 2011 a "demand-driven downturn" will push Canadian home prices lower. They even added that the threat of rising interest rates and new taxes caused buyers to jump into the market sooner than they may have otherwise (something I wrote about in April, in Spending 'til it Hurts).
It’s unclear what prompted the CREA to come clean. I’d like to think it was my blog, but more likely they simply realized that a small dose of reality now prevents egg-on-your-face later.
Of course, the CREA is still being idealistic (read "deceptive"). Amongst other nonsense, they insist that Canada’s "conservative lending practices" and mythical "prudent borrowing" will prevent a large price correction; that the two most overpriced markets (Ontario and B.C.) will inexplicably plateau next year after a small drop; and, of course that the current market shows a good balance between supply and demand. But, at least they aren’t encouraging a new wave of oblivious buyers. The CREA has, with its latest press release, gained back a shred of dignity.
I have to give credit where credit is due: the CREA did the right thing. More of the same would be nice.
For the CREA's full press release, see Housing Forecast Revised.
"Home sales are coming down from the mountain peak, but they will level out at a high plateau -- a plateau that is higher than previous peaks in the housing cycle.”
David Lereah, Chief Economist, National Association of Realtors, USA 2006