After a few weeks of admitted laziness, last weekend I finally finished my second book. I hope you like it!
The official press release follows below...
Be Kind to your Banker: new book explains lending from a banker’s perspective.
Be Kind to your Banker is the latest release from finance writer Eldon Frost, author of The Intelligent Investor’s Mind.
Be Kind to your Banker is written for three types of readers: those who have recently been declined for a loan or mortgage; those who wish to receive a better rate on a new or existing one; and, those who simply wish to improve their personal financial knowledge.
"When I worked as a lender," Frost explains, "it was striking to me how many people were unaware of how the loan process works. For example, people with good credit would apply for loans that they could not possibly afford, and would be surprised to be turned down. Even worse, they might be approved! This book explains step-by-step how the loan process works, and how a banker views an application."
"Everyone should know how to save money on a loan or mortgage," Frost adds, "and everyone has the right to know if they are making the best financial decision. These are the kinds of things that should be taught in school - but aren’t."
As the cover explains, the advice in this little book (just 80 pages) could save you hundreds or thousands of dollars.
Be Kind to your Banker is available at www.amazon.com in paperback format only.
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