There are two reasons commonly given to buy gold now. The first is that gold is a store of value. That is, although inflation eats away at the value of currencies, gold has a value that cannot be taken away. The second reason is that uncertainty drives gold prices higher, and today’s markets are certainly uncertain.
Gold is indeed a store of value, a currency, a component of jewelry and electronics, and more. The problem is that gold – like other commodities - usually keeps up with inflation and the business cycle but does not exceed it. In the past 3 years, however, gold has exceeded inflation greatly. Fear and speculation are the drivers of gold prices now.
Earlier this year, we saw the advent of gold-to-go machines. These vending machines hold a quote for 10 minutes, then scan the market and recalculate so the customer is always getting an up to date (but marked up) price. In Europe, these machines can be found in airports, hotels, and even supermarkets. For me, the gold-to-go machine marked the entry of retail “stupid money” into the market - money that arrives too late and stays too long.
If gold vending machines weren’t enough, consider the rise of solid or yellow gold miniatures. A few years ago, gold miniatures were an exclusive novelty. These days, the windows of high-end Chinese jewelry stores are loaded with solid gold rabbits, dragons, boars, oxen, and popular cartoon characters. The miniatures are popular with Chinese, since they offer a way to store wealth for posterity while simultaneously flaunting it.
The final sign of the gold peak is the de-hedging process of the gold producers themselves. In order to reduce income fluctuations caused by changing gold prices, most gold producers partially hedge their gold using futures or options. For example, companies buy futures that go up in value when gold goes down, and that go down in value when gold goes up. By hedging with futures, companies will not benefit as much from rising prices, but they will also not get stung by falling prices (arguably more important for profitable companies).
This year, many major gold producers have greatly reduced or even stopped hedging in the expectation of forever-rising prices. Barrick Gold, AngloGold Ashanti, Gold Fields and other companies have reduced their gold hedging by millions of ounces.
So, is gold going to drop? Should you short it?
At this point, there is still widespread fear all over the world, and this is partially justified by a worldwide housing bubble and precarious economies. Shorting gold at this point is probably not justified. However, neither is jumping on the bandwagon.
Gold prices are high – really high. Both as an investment and as a novelty, gold is more popular now than it has been in a very long time. I would refrain from buying. If you already own gold, consider selling some.
If you believe the world's currencies are being debased and you need to protect yourself, buy producers of commodities that have uses beyond merely a store of value - such as oil, uranium, lithium, and copper.
Buying something at the peak of its popularity is not always a stupid financial move, but statistics are against you.
"My dear girl, there are some things that just aren't done, such as drinking Dom Perignon '53 above the temperature of 38 degrees Fahrenheit."
Sean Connery as James Bond, GoldFinger, 1964