At the top of this blog, you may have noticed what appears to be a regular Google search bar with the title, “WORLDWIDE BUSINESS SEARCH ENGINE.” Since many readers have not taken advantage of this little beauty, let me take a moment to explain what it is.
The first problem with regular Google is what I call “regionalization.” Many of The Frost Report’s readers are from the United States, where Google has particular drawbacks. Specifically, if you do any kind of search from the US, the results are likely to all come from US news organizations. Sadly, most American news sources are rubbish for investors.
The US media market demands constant action, sound bites and screen movement – and the results are predictable. The typical daytime “expert interview” on CNBC lasts less than 4 minutes. And, US citizens clearly love to be told what to think. After the last presidential debates on CNN, a panel of experts was ready to explain for us what was just said, what it means, and who won (there is no point wasting brainpower when someone can think for you). Famously, US media outlets such as FOX News and MSNBC casually mix facts with commentary, not even worrying about possible misrepresentation. All of this results in exciting and highly entertaining news that is of no use to rational investors, whose strength comes from being calmer and more logical than everyone else.
A second problem with regular Google or Bing is that far more than just investing news comes out of a search. For example, if I type “African Real Estate” into Google, the result is marketing websites, real estate agency websites, property developers and more. And again, most of the sites do not even originate from Africa.
The Frost Report’s “Worldwide Business Search Engine” eliminates many of the aforementioned problems. First, it filters out the more sensational news organizations from the listings. Second, it gives precedence to local news: a search about real estate in Africa will result in African sources. Whenever possible, news comes directly from the source rather than being an interpretation by a 3rd party; thus, a search about the latest Federal Reserve speech will likely pull up the Fed’s website directly. Finally, most of the sources are proven and reliable business news agencies. I say “most” are reliable because I intentionally included some unreliable sources - such as the Russian Pravda and DPRK news sites – because they are culturally important.
Give the search engine a try…you will find the results to be far different from what you are used to, and hopefully more insightful.
“Is there any other industry in this country which seeks to presume so completely to give the customer what he does not want?”
Rupert Murdoch, owner of The News Corporation Ltd.