The Canadian Housing market is going well, with big volume and qualified customers. At least, that’s the current perspective at the end of the line. The further one goes up the pipeline, however, the worse the big picture looks.
A mortgage department employee from a major bank recently told me that application volumes are down 25% or more since June 15th. Though employees are not being laid off, those who leave or retire are not being replaced. At the same time, the quality of mortgage applications is deteriorating rapidly (“scraping the bottom of the barrel” was the exact expression).
Further up the pipeline, Real Estate agents tell me they are worried. Sales have dropped noticeably since May. In an attempt to make up the difference, agents are cold-calling and self-marketing like they have not done for a very long time.
Of course, all this is anecdotal evidence. At the bank level, sales numbers still look great. Yet, I suspect that the drying mortgage pipeline will reach Canadian banks soon. When it does, you will read about it here.
For further information, see:
Spin City
Canadian Debt II
World Housing Bubble II
"Phew. With yesterday's report that home resales are cooling and price increases shrinking, we can finally put behind us the horror of Canada's great imaginary housing bubble. ...What Canada had was modest overvaluation with very little sign of speculation."
Jay Bryan, The Montreal Gazette, June 17 2010.