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Friday, January 6, 2012

Potash Corp shows its Strength

Potash Corp of Saskatchewan, the company with the hippest stock symbol in the world (POT), announced today that it was halting production at its Allen mine for 4 weeks. The stated reason: world potash prices are too low, so the company is “adjusting supply.”

Though Potash Corp controls only 20% of global supply (according to its website), it is also one of the lowest cost producers.  In addition, Potash Corp markets its product - along with local competitors Agrium and Mosaic - through a company called Canpotex, "an international marketing and distribution company wholly owned by the Saskatchewan potash producers."

If there was ever any doubt that Potash Corp and Canpotex have a virtual monopoly on potash prices, now there is none. By shutting down one plant (the Allen mine) that provides only 10% of Potash Corp’s total supply, the company believes it will be able to stabilize world prices. That is power.

Potash is currently trading at $42.94 CDN on the TSX exchange.  It's a reasonable price, but with a forward P/E of 10 and slowing BRIC demand, not a screaming deal.  If POT hits $35 or lower, consider loading up.


"Money is power - and what can one accomplish without power?"

Cecil Rhodes
